Sunday, February 19, 2012

Yellowstone Super Volcano

Do you remember that disaster movie 2012? It was an immense orgy of special effects, natural disasters, and ridiculous escapes. Although most of the disasters are unlikely, not all of them were bogus, for example, this one scene where Woody Harrelson was standing in front of a super volcano when it exploded. It could become reality, since there really is a super volcano in North America, which is located under Yellowstone National Park. It is completely underground, and scientists have seen the floor of Yellowstone rise 3 inches per year since 2004, which means that pressure inside the volcano could be building.

Scientists state that this super volcano erupts every 600.000 years, and that when it does, it has the power to explode with the force of thousands of nuclear bombs. It would be even bigger than the eruption of Krakatoa (Indonesia, 1883), which is considered the single largest explosion in the recorded human history. 

A large portion of the United States would become uninhabitable due to the toxic air, and millions would have to leave their homes.

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