Sunday, August 19, 2012

Childish Religion

Although science has disproved religious claims time after time again, the majority of people on this planet are to a greater or lesser extent religious. The most stubborn of religious people are the creationist ones, who believe that God created everything and is actively involved in everyday life (he watches you, answers prayers, judges you etc.). These people often shield themselves and their children from rational thought and are (willingly) ignorant from scientific facts.
When asked to defend their point of view, they either attempt to avoid answering the question, or they will (possibly unwillingly) misconstrue a scientific fact and try to use it against whomever they are discussing. In the long run, they either have to admit they were wrong or they put their fingers in their ears, like a child, and ignore reasonable explanations for the mythical things they believe. Obviously and pitiful as it may be, even some grown ups want to believe in fairy tales.

The following video's either demonstrate the reasoning of Christians, or the defence of their views. As a result, evolutionary biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins puts an Australian MP in an awkward position and corrects Stephen Baldwin on a fundamentally wrong interpretation of human evolution:


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